Comments (8)
Sweet! Most authentic one out of the bunch I think. I just realized that you're the guy behind Cataegis. I've been following your game for awhile now! I'm pretty new to this site so it's funny who you run into, lol.
This is really good! Like a darker version of HERO with aliens. I like how the game rewards precise, deliberate actions. The graphics are excellent. The whole thing feels like a very authentic NES experience. It would benefit from some music, at least on the title screen. And I wish hit points got replenished between levels like bombs. (Or are those lives?)
NEStastic! great stuff, right takes me back.
You nailed the NES thing; really dig it.
NOTE: I'm not sure if QuickPlay manages to save your progress, if you want to.
Done for the first GameJolt NES fan game jam.
After experiences on a laboratory conducting biotechnological research go awry, most of it is buried beneath rubble and the surviving personnel have no hope to get out - until a scavenging bounty hunter shows up.
Arrow Keys - Move
Z - Shoot; you can and should hold it - but not too long, or the gun will overheat!
Down - Bomb
Up - Activate Jetpack (can move freely in all eight directions then)
Do avoid your bomb radius; and do remember that robotic enemies that trigger explosions themselves might result in chain reaction - so steer clear of them, too!
Even if you run out of bombs, the blocking wreckage can be destroyed with your regular weapon. It just takes a long time.
Horned leeches can only be killed by fire.
You get an extension every 15000 points.
Special Thanks
John Van Ryzin
Ukkari Yamanishi
And all those I'm too tired to recall right now.
And you for playing!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence