Comments (5)
whimsical rpg yes please :3
Alrighty all, so I have not worked on this game since 2012... It was cancelled; buuuuuuuuut, seeing that theres at least one person really interested to directly request that I finish the game... I am more than happy to announce that I am restarting and rebooting production on "School Of Dungeons". You all will be seeing updates really soon :3 thanks for the support and interest :D
You better finish this game...
Oooh that one screenshot looks pretty good! Can we see more of them? Please ^^
School of Dungeons(PROTOTYPE)
School of Dungeons was a game that I made poking fun at generic RPGs and etc. My fun was not out of any form of hate… just whimsy. I made this in 2012 and never really finished it… so I am hoping to go back and do so :3
hopefully you all enjoy this… :3… there is not much as the game was not finished… and I actually realized that there is no real direction in the game insructing you on what to do… at least I dont think… I… skipped some of the dialogue… :/ sorry(lol)