Comments (1)
wheres the download?
(NOTE: This is not official to Petscop in any way. Petscop is an amazing series by Tony Demenico, AKA pressedyes.)
On February 2nd, 2006, games company Garalina LLC released a game titled 'Scop for PC devices. The game was largely described as "empty, boring, rushed, unfinished". The game was recalled shortly after it's released, due to 3 suicides seemingly directly correlated with the game. We ask that if you have the final release, DO NOT RELEASE IT, for the safety for everyone.
But what if you want to play 'Scop? The answer is simple: 'Scoppy. Due to the recently leaked source code of one of 'Scop's beta builds, we are trying our hardest to make this game safe to play.
Thanks for playing 'Scoppy! It's a growing organism.