Comments (30)
Hey just letting you know that I'm still alive. I am waiting on some things to come in before I finish up level design so taking a quick break to work on the soundtrack. :)
is it done yet?
Of course it isnt done. Ive been so busy i havent found time to work on it lately. If i had help i could actually get the ball rolling.
To be honest, this wasn't worth releasing.
It's most likely a flat terrain with some collider-less default trees placed on it.
I'm kinda disappointed. :/
I havent gotten that far. I am pretty much all by myself and have been busy with rl. I want to make this game happen but being alone isnt helping. If anyone wants to help please let me know!
SCP-899: The Lost Children Alpha
BE FAIR AND DON'T RATE YET! The current version available is just a glimpse at the atmosphere. Only a few things have been added thus far. Please feel free to at least give a little exploring, there is no danger...yet.
This game is currently a work in progress and we have an IndieGoGo project to support its development. Right now the team only consists of myself and I am hoping to find others to help me in this endeavor.
SCP-899: The Game is a game that imerses you in the lore of SCP-899 "Lost Children" which is described on the official SCP wiki here:
I do not claim ownership of the tale nor do I claim ownership of the SCP intellectual property.
The game will be designed to scare the pants off of you (unless you don't wear pants, you know who you are). Many of the details surrounding the game's design is explained in the IndieGoGo campaign.
The game will still be made even if we do not recieve any funding, really all the help I need is non-monetary but sometimes these things cost money. As a starting indie developer I hope to find people who share the same ideals and wish to partner up on this and upcoming projects.
The campaigns:
Charity Version:
Tracks By G3 Used With Permission. Follow him on SoundCloud!
The Team:
Aaron Thompson - Director, Level Design, Scripting, Music Producer
Mike Hallenbeck - Sound Design
Creator - Character Design, 3D Character Models, 3D Character Animations
More To Be Announced!
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed