Comments (9)
im clicking download, nothings happening
can i help work on it
The Complete Bambi's Purgatory Assets Project DEMO 1
Just a Demo for the Game :D
Alot more are coming trust me
The Complete Bambi's Purgatory Assets Project DEMO 2
Experience the New Demo 2 release [without reheated its coming in demo 2.5]
The Complete Bambi's Purgatory Assets Project DEMO 3 + 4
The Standalone Full Release of Demo 3 + 4!
Game Soundtrack
Due to scratch's family friendly Policy i will name songs different then there Origins
Classified as: TCBPAP.
A Project that is in the works but will finish sometime in mid-2023
Arrow Keys - Opponent 1
WASD - Opponent 2
Bombu, Bombai, Baiburg, Crusturn, Heck Expunged, Godly Expunged - https://scratch.mit.edu/users/EpicDarkSoul55/
Alot of People made Assets for BP. but this is the FINAL complete set of the bunch to end of the Amazing Journey.
This is V1 okay a V2 is planned when the ENTIRE bambi's Purgatory mod releases [its going to be split into parts dont worry]
also its not a Template. nor a Engine. its just a Final Bambi's Purgatory Assets Project of course.
alot of stuff is kinda confusing were using a 3 player software. which as you know. uses 3 different up down left right keys. so it may get confusing.
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[HorribleDeveloper's Role is Unknown At This Time]

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