
This Is For @DK_MiniGame Sixth Game Jam Topic Based On Simulator
Edit: This Game Placed Second Place The Winner Is @sato2718 My Rating Was 9.6 his was 9.8 gg.
I wasn't going to join cause i was working on a horror game but I decided to join 3 days later the jam was announced cause I was bored.
How To Earn Money You Say? Go To Work!
However You Cant Keep The Money You Earned
Go To Shops To Buy Ur Food That Costs MONEY
And Just Like Any Adults Worst Real Nightmare...
You Have To Deal With Bills >:)
Don't Pay Each Bill In The Next 1 Minute
And 45 Seconds And You Lose A Chance.
Lose All Three Chances And Your Kicked
Out Of Your House
Lose All Of Your Hunger Your (not alive)
Lose All Your Money Your Broke (you wouldn't lose though)
But You Also Have To Entertain Yourself Soo...
Make Sure To Play Games On Your Computer
To Gain Entertainment.
Lose All Of Your Entertainment You Will Get Bored
And You 'll Lose
Get 3500 Dollars And Something Will Happen...( boss fight will happen I should stop spoiling surprises)
(oh btw press 'SPACE' to continue dialogue)
(and I beat the game myself without cheating in under 5 minutes so if you don't beat the game and cheat your a noob)
DISCUSS YOUR STRATEGIES IN COMMENTS!!! #pointnclick #strategy #other #fun