
Comments (4)

What do you think?


So I get the idea for this game and I like it, it is of course in early development but the idea is solid, id recommend three things for now, that the car has a speed cap since it didnt seem to have one, that you cant fall off the map (of cpurse no one will fall of the map unless they actively go to do that but an invisible wall should work), and last a quick little like, mini-tutorial to explain how to do tha basics, like the game telling you to go make some chesse to give you an idea what to do.


Supply Chain Tycoon

Version: 2020.12.30about 4 years ago

Welcome to Supply Chain Tycoon! This game is still in very early development, but I would like to get your feedback.

Supply Chain Tycoon is a FPT (First Person Tycoon) game. In this game you have to build up your supply chain company. You start with just some money to buy a van and you have to drive the goods around yourself. But later you will be able to buy more vehicles and hire people to drive for you. 

It is the goal to fulfil the demands of the different production chains, grow your company and make money!

Note: There is no save system yet, so every game you have to start from new.

Join the SCT Discord server to leave your feedback, bugs and/or suggestions.

Follow the development of Supply Chain Tycoon via social media!

Twitter: @sctgameofficial
Instagram: @supplychaintycoon

Or let me know what you think via email:
[email protected]


It has been a while since the last update, but I am still working on the game. Here is the update of the current progress.

Winter Update: Save Yourselves!