
SEGMENTS: Kim and Bretta (Version 1)
Game Soundtrack
- 1.The Banishment - Glazed
- 2.Kim's Theme - Glazed
- 3.Palace of Sound - MasterGames31
- 4.Palace Court (Remix) - Glazed
- 5.The Realm - Mark Myskov
- 6.The Lair - Mark Myskov
- 7.The Castle - Glazed
- 8.Story of Bretta - MasterGames31
- 9.Bretta's Theme - MasterGames31
- 10.Palace of Health - MasterGames31
- 11.Graveyard - MasterGames31
- 12.Raveyard - Glazed
- 13.The Fall - MasterGames31
- 14.The Forest - Glazed
- 15.The Manor - MasterGames31
- 16.Hoshe - MasterGames31
- 17.Boshe - MasterGames31
- 18.Sheho - Glazed
- 19.Monster - MasterGames31
- 20.It's Over - MasterGames31
SEGMENTS: Kim and Bretta is a two-game collection of SEGMENTS: Kimwaskiteawastery and SEGMENTS: Bretta. This collection features multiple new extras including an all-new boss fight in SEGMENTS: Kimetta and sneek peek at an upcoming game. Several updates are planned, especially for Bretta and Kimetta.

Kim, short for Kimwaskiteawastery, is one of the seven Segment Gods. The Segment Gods control all aspects of human life from sound to health to war and beyond. Kim is the god of sound and vibrations. Things go awry when Kim mistakes a chosen child for an intruder and pushes him into the abyss of the Segment Realm. This causes Kim to be banished by Octopower, the god of Balance and the leader of the Segment Gods, at the request of Lance. Lance, the god of hatred and war, uses this as an opportunity to launch a full-scale invasion of the Segment Realm with the evil Dragon Master. It's up to Kim to stop Lance and the Dragon Master while reclaiming his place as a Segment God. Along the way though, Kim will be forced to face his past.
Use the arrow keys to move. Press Z to shoot projectiles. Hold X to slow down. Press SHIFT to use your special.
This game comes with six difficulties: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Hard, Very Hard, and Segment. Moderate is recommended and Segment is barely possible.
This game also comes with two extra modes in the "More" menu: Practice and Boss Rush. You can practice any level and boss with Practice and fight every boss in order with Boss Rush. You cannot earn score from either.

Bretta, another one of the the seven Segment Gods, controls health. Bretta is forced to become a hero after the once benevolent Underworld Master gets possessed by an ancient and evil force of darkness. Bretta will have to go down to Earth to stop the Underworld Master from releasing the souls of the Underworld using his special cauldron.
Use the arrow keys to move. Press Z to shoot attacking projectiles, hold X to slow down, and press C to shoot healing projectiles. Shoot attacking projectiles at evil spirits and healing projectiles at tortured spirits. Press SHIFT to use your special move.
This game comes with six difficulties: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Hard, Very Hard, and Segment. Moderate is recommended and Segment is barely possible.

Segment Gods, as their name implies, are not one whole being. They are one powerful being split up into multiple segments. When two segments merge together, though, several of their smaller "segments" start to get damaged. Kim and Bretta have no choice but to merge when the evil force of darkness that possessed the Underworld Master, Dark Luminant, transforms into Psycho Luminant. It's up to Kimetta, Kim and Bretta combined, to stop Psycho Luminant and save the universe. Though, Kimetta's timer will only last for around four minutes before their segments reach the breaking point, be careful! Be warned, this boss is not for casuals or people who rage easily. I just barely managed to beat it with 4 HP.
Use the arrow keys to move, press Z to shoot, hold X to slow down, and press SHIFT to use your special. keep an eye on the timer. If the timer reaches zero, Kimetta's segments will become irreversibly damaged causing them to disintegrate.
#arcade #shooter #survival #scifi #altgame #action #adventure #retro #fantasy #lore #gods #mythology #fighting #kim #bretta #collection #combination #combo #cursor #finalboss #transformation #timed #bossrush #practice #practicemode #other
Credits to MasterGames31 (Characters, Art, and Music) and Mark Myskov (Stage 3 & 4 Music and Sound Design for SEGMENTS: Kim)