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Five Shitty Nights at Bonnies 2

Version: 1.0.0over 5 years ago
A new job a new chance of survival This game may get some updates like bug fixes

Anouther day anouther life with jim. The story: It was october and Jim decides to go for a walk. After a while he sumbles into a alley way. On the ground is a paper that read. New faze bear enteraiment sacerty gard needed. 400$ a week. As his stupid mind thinks of stupid things to spend it on. He decides to take the job anyway. But he relizes somthing no people the building looks dusty. Oh well. As he enters the building the motion sensors detect movement and the power came on.

Note: this game is supposed to be funny with the swearing and stuff. I hope you sensitve people out there dont find this offensive. I just hope you guys enjoy this game.

If theres any bugs please write in the comments what it is room if you can and what animatronic is bugged. if you can. #fnaf #horror #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans

Since I know how to use rewrite For fnaf maker but I dont know if I should remake FSNAB2 only because since theres no way to add doors or lights. I dont know if I should. If I do the game will look better and less bug fixes. You guys choose

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If anybody has reached to ngiht 5 theres is a problem with somthing the phone call. I thought I added the correct call but insted I accidently added the night 5 call from FSNAB. I dont know how I did that but I will try to fix it soon