
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Very good game!!! But it short...

No scoreboard? You should add that in now that the contest is over. Also the isolator is kind of hard to figure out. Anyways, it's much prettier than my entry!

Was this ever completed? I removed it from the contest because their is no distribution available for it.



Version: 4.0.0almost 12 years ago

This game was created in Microsoft XNA. If it happens to crash on startup, you might need:
The XNA Redist:
.NET Framework 4.0:

EDIT: Now that the contest is over, I will go ahead and fix the crashfest at the midboss and rework the entire thing. If you are interested, check back every 6~7 weeks for updates (the reason for such a long gap is that I now have to manage two projects at the same time.) Cheers.

On the game:

Original entry created for the Chaos contest. In this game, you will be commanding a fighter craft armed with three weapons capable of manipulating particles to ward off the horde of enemies.

On Mechanics:
Movements are made using W,A,S,D or the directional keys. The former is recommended, however, as the player will also need to make use of their mouse and three number keys.

The primary fire is toggled on or off with [Space]. It does moderate damage in a straight line and keeps the gauge (more info later) from dropping. During a boss fight you will want to maintain your fire on it at all times.


Do not attempt to timeout bosses for the time being.


  • The hook [Key 1]: Left-click launches the hook in a straight line toward the player's mouse cursor. The hook grabs onto the first small enemy it hits. The victim can then be thrown at its allies or the bounds of the screen with another left-click, or crushed on the spot to spawn some fragments right in front of the player.

  • The isolator [Key 2]: Left-click vacuums bullets and fragments into the spot the player clicked. Holding right-click "picks up" fragments in an area around the player's cursor. Left-clicking in this state will fire everything in a straight line depending on the angle from the player to the pickup bubble. The vacuum function can be used as a defense mechanism or a way to gather a large chunk of fragments, which can then be picked up and tossed for massive score. Enemies killed while in contact with multiple fragments spawn an abnormally large amount of fragments. This feature was intentionally left in as I found its effects to fit the 'chaos' theme of the contest. It might be reworked in later revisions.

  • The saber [Key 3]: Left-click deals a decent amount of damage to all enemies in an arc in the direction of the player's cursor. Right-click's swing has the same coverage, but shoves all affected enemies toward the bounds of the screen instead of dealing direct damage.

On Scoring:
Each destroyed enemy drops a few fragments and gives a base score.

The fragments can be manipulated with the Isolator weapon.

The base score is multiplied with the multiplier value before it is added to the player's score.

The multiplier value is accumulated by filling up the big gauge at the top left of the screen. Gauges fill up by simply killing things, and they decrease quickly over time.

However, kills made with the subweapons can slow down the decrease rate of the gauge in addition to granting bonus to the gauge, the base score and the amount of fragments released on enemy death.

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!