Comments (5)
This is freaky just to look at x_x Can't wait for the release~
I hope you guys finish it sometimes in 2016. I would love to be a beta tester.
Yes! Finally a game that puts Linux support above Mac support!
Skinned is a horror game that is very story based. We are in very, very early development. It is being coded in Eclipse using Java, LWJGL, and OpenGL. I, Zachary Larson, am doing all of the coding, some of the voice acting, and slightly helping with the story. My friend and partner, Stephen Gardner, is doing all of the art, modeling, and most of the story and voice acting. We plan to have a alpha/beta version of the game ready in late 2015 to early/mid 2016. The game, as I said, is a horror game. Neither me nor Stephen appreciate bad jump scares. Most of it is going to be physiological horror, and a very creepy atmosphere. We already have most of the game planned out. When we have a playable version of the game, we are very open to play testers. Criticism is something that both of us really enjoy receiving, so if there are any complaints or suggestions, please say them. Thank you for looking at our game! Compatibility is very important to both of us. We want it to work on Windows and Linux as our main priority, and Mac as our secondary priority.
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor