Comments (3)
I like birds
I'm gonna start working on this again, maybe it'll work out
This project is indefinitely on hold
Welcome to the world of SKRAW, a place with plenty of strange creatures, ghosts, and mysterious happenings.
You play as Gordon, a corstrich (think Crow + Ostrich + Caveman) At this point, it's been years since something caused all humans to disappear. Which to the corstriches, who lived on the far reaches of society, was little more than a concerning footnote.
One day, many magically inclined corstriches saw visions of whatever made the humans disappear coming back... Coming back for the corstriches!
Gordon and his ghostly friend, Face, have now been tasked with figuring out exactly what this thing is, and making sure it doesn't mess up anything else.
Enjoy a free, comedy heavy, somewhat dark adventure. Expect a full release sometime 2021.
If you have any advice or suggestions they're all appriciated!