Comments (21)
Really enjoyed your game, fantastic production values and good atmosphere. The whole thing was really quite surreal! :-D
when i downloaded it t just comes as a rar file and i cant open it and advice as i am dieing to play what looks as a great game!?
I made a playthrough of Skumring on my new YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBWi-vp_WUkZjs41sHivJcjBxdEkBm2Sl
By the way, the volume was shot in the videos, during upload the placements were off-centered, and I am working on adding the rest of the acts as well. Hopefully, I can fix all the video defects.
I finally finished playing this game and it was fantastic!! Sure, I had a hard time figuring out some things here and there, plus the game glitched a few times, although that was probably my computer itself. But, overall, the story was great and I rate it a 5. Thanks for creating it.
I am having trouble playing this, as I am where I have to create a long lens camera with the magnifying glass, gutter pieces, and glue... But, every time I click on the gutter, it just says it "won't hold my weight." I looked at it first and everything. I checked every walkthrough I could find and there was never a solution. I have seen others with the same problem though. Any help? I'd really like to finish the game. Thanks!
Port Horizon 1951. A city on the verge of collapse. Moral collapse. Crime. Corruption. Greed... Money. Private eye Cooper Chutney thought he was the exception and when a beautiful dame in distress enters his office he is ready to show that someone still cares about something in this wretched town. But as he soon will learn everything can change during a cold Port Horizon night...
Mild Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans