Comments (5)
Neat text-based! I included it in part 5 of my Adventure Jam compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :) https://youtu.be/AXNsTWlkBAc
This was totally not what I was expecting. A resource (health, bombdrugs and weapons) management text adventure with a super silly plot. It seems to be balanced fairly well, and multiple endings to explore gave incentive for exploring different play styles.
This runs fine in Linux web browsers. Would you consider adding the zip as a distribution for Linux as well?
Funny game. Thanks :-)
Slaughtertrain local version
To play, download and unzip the archive into one folder. Open index.html in a browser of your choice.
They put you at the tail end of the train... but they didn't expect you to be so good at violence.
Now you're coming for them.
All the way up the train.
This is our "first draft" of Slaughtertrain, a detailed, randomized comedic hypertext adventure set in a hellish post-apocalyptic trainscape. While this version of the game is complete and playable, you can expect us to release a fuller game experience within the next month!