Comments (1)
Good Game! Obviously right now it is a bit featureless however I love the graphics of it. Flight method is a bit hard to get used to. No bugs except for if you fly out a certain distance out the sun starts to fade into an orange square :3! Either way great game and keep developing it :D!
Solar Battles 0.2.0
Solar Battles 0.1.0
The project is currently frozen due to lack of community interest. I plan to keep working on this project later down the line once I have more free time.
Solar Battles is a space action game that is in version 0.2.0
ESC: Pause
W: Dive
S: Pull Up
A: Rotate Left
D: Rotate Right
Q: Turn Left
E: Turn Right
Space Bar: Fly Forward
Space Bar + Left Shift: Boost
Left Ctrl: Breaks
Left Mouse Button: Shoot
Middle Mouse Button: Reset Camera
Mouse Scroll Wheel: Zoom Out/In
X: Reset Trail
Z: Toggle Trail
Dot/Period: Summon Enemy Ship (Free Mode only)
If you wish to contact me for any reason here are some ways to do it.
Gmail: [email protected]
Ideas and bug reports are highly appreciated!