Comments (8)
I scored about the same whether I actually played the game or just started it up and let it just sit in the middle of the screen without touching any buttons -- always between 300-550 points. Certainly a hard game.
Also, are the trophies actually achievable at all? If not, they really should be deleted (if you don't intend to add them) or hidden from public view. I really dislike "achievable" trophies that cannot be achieved. You can ignore this if they can be achieved via Quick Play or something. Quick Play has never once worked for me on any game, so I have no means to verify, but I had to mention it because it's one of my pet peeves ><
Wow, that escalated quickly... Gotta agree with ObsidianSkin, sound and music would have been nice. But otherwise very good!
Mother of God. This is a fucking difficult game. It seemed casual at first, but I was immediately dumped into the action. Although, sounds and music would've been a nice touch. Good work. 3/5
Where is the game? Gotta make sure to publish the individual distribution/s too. :)
Space Fight
Practicing with GML. If it looks unfinished thats probably because it is; I wasn't learning a whole lot, so I decided to stop wasting time, put this together really quick, and move on to more challenging projects. Press F4 if the screen size is too big.