
Comments (11)

What do you think?

test build is now on the main branch, the patch notes will be updated soon


uranus disaster doesnt have a stop to it, so im going to fix that

reason for a test build being a test build.... the save data is broken, ill get to fixing that in a bit, it may not get updated for a bit

hmmm, trailer is a bit outdated, might changed that... but first i need to get some things straight... test build and main build may or may not be developed over this summer due to some priorities I need to set on development on other things as well... there is something i needed to take a break from that I'm ready to come back to. keep hanging in there everyone :)


space builder! (beta branch)

Version: 1.44.2about 2 years ago
the website used to convert the project don't "assign" the exe application, so you may see SmartScreen warnings when you try to launch it for the first time.

space builder! test build

Version: 1.44.2over 2 years ago
test build, we recommend you use the main build instead... this one is for feedback and testing, several things will look off as it is in mid-construction... with half finished functions | the website used to convert the project don't "assign" the exe application, so you may see SmartScreen warnings when you try to launch it for the first time.

space builder! (beta HTML branch)

Version: 1.44.2about 2 years ago
same as normal beta branch, but HTML doc

welcome explorer to the offnem co colonization project, you have been selected as our top engineer and scientist to colonize our solar system! i'll be your planet analyzer and digital informant, P.A.D.I.

as a disclaimer programmed into my hardrive, the OCSP would like to remind you that, as colonizing our solar system may seem far fetched, you have the resources of offnem co at your desposal. now, with that out of the way, lets begin! where to captain?

this game was made back in 2018, and has come a loooooong way

music can be found on my youtube channel "offnem"

inspired by the game base builder:

info on modding:

modding the code of the game is not easy, i don't know if it is even possible by how the code is structured... BUT, what is easy is modding the audio and graphics of the game, to due so, open the files and go down the path space-builder \resources\app\assets in this folder is every wav file containing the audio, and every single sprite for buildings and other things, so effectively, you can mod the game this way, as long as you don't change the names!

Note: due to how the game was programed, it uses a sort of "special" api to save data... due to how the save data works, only sertain things save... achievements will be saved using a copy and paste string of letters and numbers to save and load, as they can't be loaded with save data due to integer limits

you play by clicking boxes, like a tycoon... and press C for skin codes #action #scifi #other

EXE icon awaiting exsistance

test build (experimental build) update: 1.44.2

-none, uploaded to main

update: 1.44.2 | !!!NEWS!!!

-added save data for HTML and EXE (exe easier to mod)

-rework menu (need one more thing to add to it)

-rework achievement design

-added a travel sprite to planets

-added shmup tutorial pop-ups

-added credits trigger

-fixed credits trigger

-if you are in credits, click back at end or you will get softlocked by unfinished lore....


known bugs:

-you can shoot exploded asteroids and it will still decrease the asteroid left number [fixable to a degree, but i won't because if you think it's too hard, you can use this bug to play the game faster]

-new menu screen is pretty buggy, still looking into all the bugs... so anything related to it is still undetermined in the realm of bugs... [status: most bugs have been fixed, menu still unfinished, there may be bugs that flew under the radar]

-"invincible asteroids" will happen from time to time [in-fixable, reason: don't know the cause]

-Jupiter has no restraint (disaster happens off planet) [in-fixable, reason: rare and i don't know what causes it]

-shmup ship sometimes doesn't get damaged when hit from the side [in-fixable, reason: don't know what causes it, but i have a theory it might have something to do with how the ship detects damage]

-comet is NOT designed to be shot with 2 on screen!

[status: fixable, after some thinking i realized i could add a timer or something to prevent you from shooting a blown up comet, or just the comet from projecting extra stuff in general, ill get working on this at some point...]



please comment, for any thoughts! also go to our group!

THANKS FOR GETTING US TO 150 views! and as promised, the prize... check the in game change notes for the new skin code!

plz report bugs :3


credits to Tkmined for disaster ideas and 150 view milestone skin ideas! thanks to an anonymous for making background suggestions, thanks to zen sanders (Zerus gaming, idk if he has a channel yet) for making the cut scenes for the endings! and to all of you for playing the game!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

still working on the menu rework, expect a completely new menu, and a bunch new achievements with a new look!