
EOS: Space Debris
Earth Orbital Savior: Space Debris
Space debris has become prominent danger and urgently need to be cleared. Because of it, UN decided to once again initiate space program called Earth Orbital Savior (EOS). But it will not be an easy task, because earth orbit also filled with asteroid from the last incident.
Your main objective each stage is to destroy all space debris, beside it you can also destroy asteroid that roaming around. Collect credit and add more ship or use power up for smoothing your way through 100 chaotic stage.
*Standalone executable, full mouse control, no ads, better sound and graphics.
Produced & Developed by
Adhitya Ramadhan Putra (ARP Games)
Art & Graphics:
OpenGameArt (www.opengameart.org)
MillionthVector (www.millionthvector.blogspot.de)
Bonsaiheldin (www.bonsaiheld.org)
Kenney (www.kenney.nl)
Sound Effect & Music:
DL Sounds (www.dl-sounds.com)
BFXR (www.bfxr.net)
Jason Dagenet
Special Thanks:
Aldhy Maulana Putra
Dian Aryati