
Spacegame 101
Development of this game is frozen for undefined time to work on other projects. I will get back to work on it at a later date.
This is my first game written in Ruby. I've made games before with gamemaker, but have then decided to learn proper coding. This game is a work in progress and far from finished. It's only for testing purposes while I learn code, until I can code a new game I have in mind :) Enjoy! :D
In this game you fly around in your little space ship collecting stars which gives you credits to spend in the shop. You have to avoid the asteroids as they will kill your ship. You can also shoot the asteroids into pieces to get even more credits. The more you play, the harder the game gets. Every 100 star adds one more asteroid to the game which has a downside and a upside. The downside is that you now have more asteroids to look out for where the upside is that you have more targets to shoot which gives you more money.
The music in the game is only placeholder and will be changed in a later update!
Known bugs:
*When there are multiple asteroids they will all disapear if any one is destroyed.
*Credit and life system and a shop to spend your credits in (e.g on more lives)
*Asteroids will kill you instantly if you hit them
*You can shoot asteroids either by using your laser cannon(control) or rocket launcher(shift), note that you have to purchse the launcher in the shop before it can be used.