Comments (9)
The special effects are nice, good job on that. The gameplay needs some tuning, for example, in mission 1 and 3 I was able to fly past all enemies and complete the game, I had no real motivation killing them.
Mission 2 instead was challenging and far more interesting. Try to experiment with the frequency and aggressiveness of enemies, maybe force the player into battles by blocking their path, and test how it feels.
Looking forward to the next version. :)
Ya, you can spotlight my video if you wish, I would be honored.
Since you asked about some comments. Ill write it here :D
Game has potential. However there are few things you could change / add.
Inertia for main player. It will give a lot of feeeling to the steering of the ship.
I have not gone far, perhaps the rest away, is a little different. Too few opponents in lvl 1 It seems that the ship is moving too slowly forward. When you accelerate your bullets are moving too slowly too.
I missed the ship tilt animation when I moved it to the left and right.
Perhaps you should (1.2 lvl) add some bonuses? powerup weapons? coins? :)
Generally ... I felt that the game is not quite dynamic. Despite a very nice particles effects. Something is missing.
I have not played beyond level 1. If level one is meant to be a tutorial, then I would suggest you label it as such, so people who know how to play this type of game can skip it. I have a philosophy of "If the start of the game is boring, i'm not going to keep playing until it gets good.
I mean the mechanics are nice, I like being able to go backwards, just the player engagement is low.
Short playthrough - http://youtu.be/AGJNEz2ojdw
This game has potential to be fun and crazy, but as it currently stands is slow and lacking, at least in the beginning level. There is nothing to grab and keep my attention, with the enemy being few and far between.
Hello my name is Baro,
I have been developing Spacejobs since February 2012. The game is about spaceships but is a very unique spaceships game with many ways to complete a mission and a lot of spaceships and enemies with different weapons.
This isn't a demo at all, it is a early access of the game because there still many months to complete the game.
Mild Fantasy Violence