
Comments (153)

What do you think?

Fascinating and intriguing game with massive attention to detail and easter eggs. Not to mention the lore. Nice work

literally the most fun i've ever had at a computer, even though i can't seem to pass 5 levels. amazing and creative combat, spells, and enemies, and intriguing story. i just wish that i knew how to find the names of the 'cursed levels' or whatever they're called... maybe something to do with 4,4? please answer, so i can progress through this hidden gem!

Are you working on any more games? Please tell me you are. I love this game.

very interesting story but im stuck... hmm i might need to just play more in the actual combat

good game



Version: 1.0.1almost 8 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Spellrazor Title Music

The creepy resurrection of a semi-mythical game considered lost back in 1981 after its creator went insane and disappeared. Not all is as it appears.

Spellrazor is a sinister, retro, neon-tinged arcade adventure in the style of Rogue, Defender, Robotron and Berzerk.

It features:

  • 27 unique spells using 27 different buttons! (Keys "A" to "Z" plus "Space")

  • A unique form of 'bullet time' allowing tactical thinking in the midst of the chaos

  • A creepy meta-story told through the hackable in-game console

  • Secrets, mysteries and rituals

This version includes the original's in-game development/debugger/blog console which exposes the weird, glitchy nightmare of the game's mythology, and provides clues to what happened to the original author back in 1981.

The game is currently under development - or 'resurrection' as I like to think of it, so comments and feedback are welcome.


Find the other denizens of the Electric Dungeon, destroy them using the spells at your disposal before the security bots arrive, and dive down to the next level. It's tough, and the little critters fight back hard, but you have an advantage.

Spellrazor is played in realtime, but automatically goes into 'slowmo' mode when a threat is detected. This gives you valuable breathing room to choose the appropriate key/spell, dodge, or flee. Slowmo can be turned off via the console, speaking of which...

Spellrazor comes with its own debug console. This is the means by which you can hack the game, and also learn a little more about the game's original author, Duncan Bower, who went missing in the early '80s.

The console allows you to buy and sell spells, cheat and 'fix' other elements of the game.
It's also full of secrets.

Come and say hello on Facebook, or follow me on @Fluttermind


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