
Comments (170)

What do you think?

Ok, this game is just awesome. I love so musch about it. It is just soo charming, I love the graphics, and the jokes in it are great. This is a game that everyone here on gamejolt should play AT LEAST once. The only two things that are not awesome in this are the controlls, but then again I played it with a keyboard, not a controller, but I can see that it would probably work better with a controller, and that is is pretty short, but it was made in a very short time, so that is forgiven too. Overall this is an awesome game, and it wont take too much time out of your day, so just play it.

i streamed this on twitch last Friday. ((twitch: Outcast1001__)) pretty good game, i enjoyed it. 1 bug though was sometimes the boat would float down to the clouds below when Luna stole it and then you cant get to it. A fix i discovered was using the vine seeds to bridge over to the grandparents island, about half way out of vine, you get to the fade out section and suddenly you have your boat back.

please update! and makre more!!!! ITS ME

I love this game! The artstyle is just awesome and you can literally collect and explore everything! Great game!

This looks amazing but I havent played yet


Spider the Fox (game jam build)

Version: 1.2.0over 9 years ago
This is the original version. It has some bugs which I have tried to fix in subsequent versions, so play at your own risk!

Spider the Fox (2.0 beta)

Version: 2.0.10over 8 years ago
I came back to the original version and made some significant changes! These include: - some new content, like a new character to talk to, expanded levels, and more collectibles - quite a few bug fixes, especially with the boat (which caused quite a few game-breaking bugs) Enjoy! And let me know if you find MORE bugs and I will attempt to get rid of them!

Spider the Fox has been updated! Make sure to check out the latest version, 2.0.10! It is not available on Mac or Linux or in-browser yet, so hold tight if that's what you have to play it on!

It's not looking like it's going to be a great day for Spider the Fox. It all started when the tree on her parents' flying island dropped a seed ... and now she has to run, jump, climb, and grow her way through a colorful, fantastical world chock-full of quirky characters and scenic vistas.

The goal? It's time to grow her own flying island.

But, in order to do that, what does she need first?

Seeds. Magical seeds, which seem to be in just about everything in this world. Why does she need all these seeds?

Well, she's got ...

[wait for it]

... some growing up to do.

Did I mention the puns? I'm pretty sure I mentioned the puns.

Estimated play time: 1hr

The newest version is downloadable for Windows (x86 and x64). Mac, Linux, and Web builds hopefully coming soon!

Controller recommended, but the keyboard controls have been massively revamped and are much easier to use!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you think, or leave me a rating or a comment below!


  • In-Game Action | XBOX controls | Keyboard Controls

  • Move Spider/Navigate Menus | Left Stick | WASD

  • Jump/Disembark Boat | A Button | Space Bar

  • Interact/Hop Boat | X Button | Left Mouse

  • Plant/Cancel Vine | Y Button | Right Mouse

  • Zoom In | Left Shoulder Button | Number 1 Key

  • Zoom Out | Right Shoulder Button | Number 2 Key

  • Inventory | Back Button | Tab Key

  • Pause | Start Button | Esc Key

The old version is downloadable for Windows, Mac, and Linux, or playable in a non-Chrome browser. XBOX 360 controller recommended, but the keyboard works, too. There's an in-game tutorial and controls reference, but for full coverage:


  • In-Game Action | XBOX controls | Keyboard Controls

  • Move Spider/Navigate Menus | Left Stick | Arrow Keys

  • Jump/Disembark Boat | A Button | Space Bar

  • Interact/Hop Boat | X Button | E Key

  • Plant Seed | Y Button | F Key

  • Cancel Seed Placement | B Button | Q Key

  • Zoom In | Left Shoulder Button | Number 1 Key

  • Zoom Out | Right Shoulder Button | Number 2 Key

  • Inventory | Back Button | Tab Key

  • Pause | Start Button | Esc Key

This game was originally made for the Indie Game Maker Contest 2015! The base game was made between July 7th and August 7th, 2015, and the version you see here was updated over the following week! Most of the art was made in that time, too, but everything else was used with permission. See in-game credits for details.


Spider the Fox released! Get growing and jumping!