Spooky Adventure BETA 1.0

Spooky Adventure - SpookyFanGame2D

By yPGWSTudios
Latest Version = Beta 1.0 Remaded Demo
Next version = Beta 1.0 Remaded Demo2

The first character to be playable, he is the fastest of all, with Medium damage, Average jump height and much more. He can be found in the Forest

Second playable character, he is a little slower than the others, but he is the strongest character than the others, Average jump height, Contains double jump and more. He can be found in the Mansion
The story is about a lost island that suffered a radioactive explosion caused by a scientist named Thomas. Before the explosion, he created the creature “Indentity 137”, capable of transforming into anyone on the island. After the explosion, the creature became immune and vengeful, seeking the soul of its creator. Years later, a child nicknamed Pump buys a game based on this story and is transported to it with his friend Skid. Now, they need to escape the game while Identity137 remains trapped in it.

SpookyFanGame2d or SpookyAdventure, is a fangame for a TV show called Spooky Month created by Sr Pelo. The fangame contains references from the animation, such as characters, lines and much more. the fangame tries to create a “New episode” by making the two main characters commit a “Problem” that ends up taking everyone to an abandoned game.
the fangame contains 2 versions, the normal version, which contains horror elements and tries to follow the game's story more, and the friendly version, which completely removes elements inappropriate for children, making the game as "Friendly" as possible. and this happens based on your age before starting the game.
#fangame #platformer #other #spookymonth #srpelo #Spooky #2d #2DGames #gamejolt #games #Spookykids #Hallowen #SkidandPump #2dplatformer #Skid #Pump #Indiegames #horror