Comments (7)
nice graphics and awesome gampleay
Nice and simple gameplay. My only complaint is that you die too quickly and the difficulty curve is totally random...
Also, I really liked the way you represented the high scores without even using any numbers. :D
Amazing effects. Awesome job. I love the blurring and shaking effect.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it
I really like this game. It's hard but interesting, the concept with the squares and their behavior - the effects are sweet great and pretty. Good job Andy.
sqr game
A shmup with graphics made entirely out of squares
Arrow keys to move
Hold shift to shoot a laser at the blue square
Hold control to charge shots to the blue square, release it to release the shots
If you hold neither shift or control, you will shoot a spray of bullets. Note that you are always creating the same amount of bullets, and are simply altering their size and motion when you use the laser or the charge shot.
Press F or F4 to toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
Press R or F2 to restart after you die
Survive for as long as you can. If you have trouble understanding the high scores screen at the end of the game, you can open scores.txt and view them there.