Comments (4)
Beautiful graphics and animation. Everything has a very fluffy and soft feel.
The graphics really fit the game mechanics. And speaking of the game mechanics, I love how many ways there are to move around and how they can be mixed. Also using the inhale and exhale to flip switches was pretty cool.
The wind and leaves theme was also neat. Having the enemies use leaves as their attack projectiles, and being able to blow the leaves back at the enemies, because you're a cloud that can blow little wind puffs, was very clever. :)
Possible minor bug I encountered, when attempting to lightning strike while descending onto an enemy, if the enemy kills you while you're in the charging animation, but before you fire the electric spark downward, the electric charging sound will continue looping after you die. I also fell off the world talking to the first npc in the same place Jupiter Hadley did.
Sorry I didn't try out your game sooner. It was near the top of my queue the day voting started, but somehow I jumped past it without realizing.
Very cool game. I love the atmosphere, so to speak. :)
Keep up the awesome work! :D
Super cute game! I included it in part 17 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

Over all I think Artworks are great. But defaut control mapping was bit hard to get use to. Using air abiliby to solve puzzle was nice.
Hope to see more update on your game!
no hay patatas en el juego? pos dislike al video >:c
Voyage du Petit Nuage (Alpha)
Left/Right Arrow Keys - Move Left and Right
Up Arrow Key - (While Jumping) Float (Unable to do after triple jumping)
"A" Key - Jump (Up to three times)
"X" Key - Inhale Air (Only on the ground; increases gust counter at upper-left, which also functions as health), Shoot Lightning (Only while floating)
"S" Key - Exhale Air (Requires and uses up one gust counter)
This is a super-duper early version of my and my associate Juts Beaumont's game, Voyage du Petit Nuage. We didn't get quite as much done as we would've liked, but here it is. We'll update it in a few days with a little bit more. #gbjam
Edit: Additional info: you can fall off the screen if you walk backward in Room 2. We didn't get to implement the ability to blow enemies' bodies away (though you can still blow away their projectiles).