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Squary Maze

Version: 0.2.0over 2 years ago

Squary Maze (APK)

Version: 0.2.0over 2 years ago

PL: Witajcie znowu ci co czytaj膮! Tym razem inna i wg mnie lepsza gra ni偶 wcze艣niejsza. Gra si臋 nazywa ,,Squary Maze". To druga gra zrobiona przeze mnie na CTF 2.5. Jest to gra zrobiona na Game Jam kt贸ry zosta艂 stworzony na discord serwerze Gigachady Clickteama. Nie u偶ywa艂em 偶adnego poradnika (opr贸cz minimalnych usterek przy kt贸rych pomogli mi pewni ludzie z tego serwera). W tej grze jeste艣 po prostu zielon膮 kostk膮, w kt贸rej chodzisz po r贸偶nych poziomach i je przechodzisz. Szukasz czerwony przycisk, kt贸ry otworzy ci wyj艣cie i przej艣cie do nast臋pnego poziomu. 呕ycz臋 powodzenia, i nie zapomnijcie o 艂apce w g贸rze!

ENG: Hello again people that read it! This time another and i think better game than before. This game is named ,,Squary Maze". This is my second game made in CTF 2.5. This game is made for Game Jam which was created in discord server called Gigachady Clickteama (ENG: Clickteam Gigachads). I wasn't using any of helping videos (except small problems that people from this server helped me). In this game you are just a green cube, where you explore around the levels and you complete them. You find a red button, which will open you a exit to the next level. I wish you luck, and don't forget about like! #other #arcade #retro #puzzle

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