
A knight that suffers from amnesia, tries to recover his memories that dwell inside a castle within his dreams. Dive into your dreams to uncover lost memories and reveal the truth about your past and the evil entity within the castle.
Stage 3 is an Action RPG Roguelite game where your main mission is to dispel the curse of a magical castle. Test your might against challenging enemies, upgrade your gear and dive into insanity mode to discover new threats and rewards.

Haunted for centuries, and filled with corrupt souls, Azariah castle on ancient times used to be a meeting place for kings and rulers of different nations. Having its location and existence secret from the public, they built it using the best magical tech from all the kingdoms - a magic that was rather unstable, but gave Azariah great power, and then also caused the castle's demise.
The castle of Azariah is a hostile place that has been haunted for centuries, why would you wake up in that place when you go to sleep? Explore the castle and find the answers, as your sanity drops with each breath you take.

Combat and Insanity
Once you've been inside the dungeon for some time, your sanity meter will decrease.
If it depletes, you'll enter Insanity mode, where the real action starts with more complex enemy mechanics, loot, and crazy visuals!

Enchanting, crafting and upgrading systems
Enchanting, crafting, and upgrading inside Stage 3 is not only vital and useful but also extremely fun!
The gear Enchanting inside Stage 3, randomly adds stats depending on how many slots your weapon has - there are plenty of stats, many common, some rare, and a few ultra-rare! you can use special items to attempt a random enchant on your gear - you could end up with a little attack speed added up, or with attack speed, elemental attack, life leech, and way more, all in one enchant!
You can enchant gear using an Alchemy Table inside the dungeon. If you enchant the same gear again it will replace its old attributes with new ones.
Crafting items are dropped within the dream, and you need to use the special chest to take them to the hub. There are also several kinds of potions, they can benefit the player as well as injure him.
Upgrading allows you to give that extra attack to that special gear you love. it goes from +1 to +7, but it's not easy at all to reach that top upgrade!
Gear in Stage 3 allows the player to wear new sets of armor that can adapt to their gameplay style and character progress. There are 5 tiers of gear: common, rare, heroic, supreme and legendary. It is possible to acquire the gear permanently if it is crafted by the Blacksmith. Once the gear is crafted, it can be acquired by spending Fragments of Memory each time you wish to wear it.

Challenging enemies
Enemies inside Stage 3 always stick together, and work as a team - they know their own weaknesses, and they tend to make complex formations in order to defeat you.
In Stage 3 you will encounter several types of enemies. All of them have their own unique specialties in combat, some of them will use brute force to face you while others will use more complex tactics.
There are three main enemy factions: Sanctum Order, Heiron Alliance and Viridian Resistance. Each one of them characterize in specific combat styles and will work in combination with other factions to create a challenging fights.
The foes you will be facing inside the castle are no joke. They were companions, old war buddies - so they know formations, they know how to attack you, when to attack you, and their own team's weaknesses.
Sometimes you'll encounter scattered enemies inside the random rooms you'll explore, but sometimes you'll face an organized group, with a smart attack formation, or perhaps a surprising one! Feeling like a raid boss from MMORPGS won't feel as nice when you face a team of two tanks, a healer and three DPS mages.
When you enter the Insanity mode, enemies will also be affected by it. They'll earn new skills, act less coordinated - even the enemies that seemed to be supports, won't be so harmless anymore!

In Stage 3, the combat is a blend between strategic and action / real time combat.
You'll have a total of 6 different Combat Stances - each stance is unique, has its own inherited stats, and can be combined with the rest in order to create a combo needed for each situation you face. The player has a list of combos he can make by changing stances during combat. Each stance is composed by 3 hits. In addition, they can launch spells to the enemy if they have acquired them. Also, the player can block and dodge attacks. If blocked perfectly the player performs a parry reducing any damage given to him to 0 and causing the enemy (if the enemy is melee class) to stagger. Lastly, they can use special items acquired like potions or magic scrolls.

The player has a total of 6 stances he can learn. He starts with two of them, and acquires more as he defeats bosses and inherits their abilities condensed into an stance.
Each stance gives you different attributes, like more attack, or more defense, among others. Also, they consist of three attacks: two light buildup attacks and one signature attack.
Combining stances is key in Stage 3. You can choose to combine attacks however you feel like, and however the situation calls. Every attack from every stance can be combined, as long as they don’t break the attack order.

RPG Combat
Combat is also affected heavily on the stats of the gear. In Stage 3, there are several attributes that will change the main character combat style.
You can increase the following stats: Strength, Endurance, Resistance, Vitality, Intelligence and Luck.

We are releasing Stage 3 for Windows, Mac, Linux and PlayStation 4.
Depending on the development process and financial status we are also releasing the game for XBox One and Nintendo Switch.

Unforgiven was founded in August of 2015 with a small group of friends who wanted to create video games that people could enjoy around the world and bring back our taste for the old-school gaming. Stage 3 comes from our love of the RPG genre and fantasy worlds, where our vision was to create an old-school roguelite adding unique elements and immersing the player into a beautiful fantasy environment.
We plan on releasing games that people can enjoy them as much as we did making them and with your help we will continue making the games we love and share them around the world!