Comments (13)
Really great game! Simple but so well made. I included it in part 37 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/4KBglY22Qx0

its really difficult but well...arcade!
Nice game! I really like the storytelling with the kids and the desperation to spend that last coin carefully. The kids infront of the arcade cabinet was a nice touch also! Left you a vote! Hope youll play mine here http://gamejolt.com/games/armechgeddon/80346
I love this game it's so cute and really fun! It's a bit difficult but easy to get a feel on. Also I love the kids mechanic it was really funny and gave the game a fun and childhoody vibe.
Cool idea for the character swap, i didnt get it in the first place and got my shoot and jump button swapped few times, so i thought the controls are just bugged and died few times. Very fun otherwise
Do you remember when you rushed to the arcade looking forward to spend those coins of yours really really well? "Star Duck" is a good old fashioned arcade (shoot, jump, score), with a twist: here you take control of a group of game loving kids, and their traits (and quirks) are different depending on the "character of the turn". Will you play better with the greedy kid that annoys everybody when he is not playing or with the hotheaded girl that can't stop swearing for five seconds straight? Well, it's better if you find this out quickly because, in the end of the day, you got only a coin.
A game made with Construct 2 by Gabriel Raposo and Vanessa Raposo [http://gamejolt.com/profile/1-2e2f45/891342] for Indie vs Gamers Jam.
Unfortunatelly, we had some setbacks related to the official jam API, which resulted on the lack of one of the main requirements of the competition, the online scoreboard. Still, we thank the organizers for the oportunity and we hope you enjoy our game. We put a lot of effort on these last 72 hours.
Good luck to all the competitors!! #INDIESVSGAMERS
Lembra quando você corria para o fliperama torcendo para gastar bem as suas moedas? Star Duck é um arcade como aquele dos antigos (atire, pule, faça pontos), mas com uma diferença: aqui você controla um grupo de crianças apaixonadas por videogame e suas habilidades (e defeitos) variam de acordo com o "personagem da vez". Você vai jogar melhor com o fominha mala que não deixa ninguém em paz ou com a garota de cabeça-quente que não passa cinco segundos sem xingar? É melhor descobrir rápido, porque, afinal, vocês só têm uma ficha.
Game feito no Construct 2 por Gabriel Raposo e pela Vanessa Raposo [http://gamejolt.com/profile/1-2e2f45/891342] para a Jam Indie vs Gamers.
Infelizmente, tivemos contratempos em relação ao uso da API oficial da jam, o que fez com que o jogo final não tivesse um dos principais requerimentos da competição, o scoreboard online. Ainda assim, agradecemos pela oportunidade dada pelos organizadores e esperamos que todos gostem do nosso jogo, pois botamos todo o nosso espÃrito e esforço nestas últimas 72H.
Boa sorte para todos os competidores!! #INDIESVSGAMERS