
WELCOME! To Stranger Things Adventure.. The name isn't yet official. the game at the moment has a few sprites with basic walking animations and at the moment the 2 current developers have only began on sprites.. this is a 16-bit adventure in the world of Stranger Things. This game is planned to have a story based on the show.. SO it obviously would contain some spoilers. But since the creators like the popular indie game Undertale.. They have planned to make the controls of it based on the game Undertale.. Not certain about the combat system at all. or even if the game will contain a combat system at all. (It most likely will) But in the meantime.. here is a GIF of a beta tests (walking animations / sprites) for a few characters in the show. DISCLAIMER!! Project began development in early August 2018. Most likely WONT be beta released until about March-May 2019.. Sorry that it will take a while.. and have a good day!