Comments (11)
https://youtu.be/mEUGtzv0ALA?t=422 <-- Timecode
Check out "strider" in my Gamejolt compilation #3
Being fan of shooter platformer, I had fun playing this game :)
My suggestion is to add more enemy types and enemy spawner. For instance, in 2nd wave (with metal background) start presenting orb chasers which as name implies chase player. With auto target ability these enemies should be cake ;)
Enemy spawner spawns those chasers and should appear in 3rd wave (black background). I prefer these spawners to be invincible but up to you if you want them to be destructible
I've completed the game with perfect health and gained all trophies
All I have to say is Amazing, good work!
Managed to beat this game by the skin of my teeth. Very cool game. :) And thanks to this game, I leveled up my profile! :D
Like the gameplay, but the sprites are very small. This is a problem, it is hard to see the little bullets of enemies and thus dodge their. Good that a lot of lives in the game, it saves from death.
As a result, you get an interesting Doodle Jump-like game with shooting. In this moment I wasn't able to finish the game. I'll try again later.
Get it on the Chrome web store
Gameplay & Controls
Strider is a tower jump kind of platformer where you need to reach the top most platform to complete the game. You control a futuristic soldier with an impressive rapid fire weapon that has to destroy enemy turrets and drones on his way up.
Arrow keys or WAsD keys to move and jump on platforms.
Press Up or W twice to double jump.
X, Z or Y - To shoot at the nearest enemy. You don't need to aim. Your rifle targets the nearest enemy automatically.
Press 1 to use overcharge. Trades 1 health for complete energy refill.
Your rifle needs energy to shoot. You need to either pick up powerups or wait until it recharges.
Dev Status
A note to Safari users. Music and sound effects are currently not supported on Safari. :(
The year is 2415. You are Strider. An agent of the rebel forces of Atira and Taristol II. Your mission is to infiltrate the government science facility on the moon Efriador V and extract all the information available about the development of a new war unit called the Spitflyer. You have successfully collected the data required and you now need to head to the extraction point at the top most level of the facility. A transport will be waiting for you to take you to safety.
Good luck!