Game Community
UltraGearGames Community
13 Members

Comments (6)

What do you think?

Underrated game! It's getting my recommendation ;)

looks like a game that i want to test

On Your Mark! Get Set! And Crash! A Lot! This game is really fun and I'm happy I got to help in some small way to make this a reality. It was a blast to play, even though I apparently can't drive...

Welcome to Sumo Cars 2, the Sumo Cars Classic sequel/remake!

Please, leave a like, share, and leave a nice comment! Thank you!

What will I find in this game?

Sumo Cars 2 is an action-packed chaotic derby racing game, filled with cars flying through the air, rolling over and spinning out in mass crashes, even blowing up like there's no tomorrow!


You will find several different game modes, from derby, to as the title says, sumo, races, time attacks, some wacky maps, and all of that with a roster of 6-15 vehicles, which all have unique handling characteristics. The game will feature an if basic, upgrades system, a car shop, vehicle condition, and much more!

You'll also be able to find a functioning career mode with achievements!

Your very own easter eggs!

You can have your very own easter egg in Sumo Cars 2 with just a few clicks! Your Easter Egg must be appropriate, and keep in mind common sense. We will preferably need a 2D image or 3D model from you to use as an easter egg, however, there is the possibility of other methods. We will discuss the order details via e-mail after your order is placed.

Below you will find the pricing and payment methods;


Easter Egg - 3€

  • Extra Functionality of Your choice - 2€

  • Multiple Appearances (Up to 3) - 2€


There are 2 options for how to pay:

  1. Use the Commission feature on our Ko-Fi page, and send an email to [email protected] to let us know. We will get back to you in, at worst, 2 weeks.

  2. Using our PayPal, send the amount of money equal to your desired purchase's features, and send an email to [email protected] to let us know. We will get back to you in, at worst, 2 weeks.

Thank you!

Is this game free?

Yes, however, if you like the work We're doing, please feel free to name your price right here on GameJolt/itch, or you can support us by becoming a Patron.

When is this game going to fully release?

The full release date is completely unknown.

Roadmap and Progress

We have big plans for this game. In fact, it is the first game We have ever invested money into! Anyway, you can track the progress of this game by following it here on GameJolt or its page, where we will post to both places the progress we're making.

You can also join our Discord, where we sometimes post screenshots that we don't post publicly anywhere but the on server. You can also speak to us and some of our community there, so We're waiting for you!

Otherwise, you can follow the Trello Board page, which has more in-depth lists of tasks that we update along with the progress we make every now and then.

Also, keep in mind, our Testers get early access to early builds of the game so they can test it out. If you'd like to become a tester, join the Discord server, and either become a Golden Gears Patron, or try and ask us for it.

System Requirements

Game version tested: Alpha 0.2.1

Date of test: 19th March 2022

Minimal System Requirements

  • 2.00 GHz Dual-Core Processor or better [Tested on Intel Pentium E6800]

  • 600 MHz Clock Speed, 900 MHz Memory Clock Speed, 512MB VRAM Graphics Card or better [Tested on NVIDIA GeForce 9500GT 512MB]

  • 1 GB of RAM

  • 1.5 GB of storage space

  • Mouse, Keyboard

Recommended System Requirements

  • 3.00 GHz 4-Core Processor or better [Tested on Intel Core i7-4770]

  • 1200 MHz Clock Speed, 1500 MHz Memory Clock Speed, 2048MB VRAM Graphics Card or better [Tested on Radeon RX470 Nitro+]

  • 2 GB of RAM

  • 3 GB of storage space

  • Mouse, Keyboard, Audio Playback, Internet Connection

Note, that these requirements are subject to constant change as the game develops. The details listed above are not professionally tested, nor were they tested extensively. They are mere approximations after testing the game performance at the lowest graphical settings on 3-5 weaker computers.

It is always recommended to use a computer above the defined minimum system requirements to ensure a smooth gaming experience even in areas where the game may get more resource-intensive than usual.


  • First alpha release [COMPLETE - 2nd March 2022]

  • First patch update [COMPLETE - 3rd March 2022]

  • First major update [COMPLETE - 13th March 2022]

  • First beta release

#action #other #arcade #racing #sumo #derby #unity #racer #3d #cars #vehicles #destruction #singleplayer #multiplayer


Good news!

Development is slowly resuming. We're now simply more busy than we used to be for years, so development will still likely be a little slower, but it's once again underway.

Have a screenshot of us having fun testing the new developer console! :)

A statement regarding Sumo Cars 2's development;

Very difficult times are upon me. I have my future on the line currently, and a very thin one at that. I am not ending development, but it may be a while till the next update. Please be patient, thank you.

Oooooo, you will watch this video and do exactly what it says, oooooooo

Credit goes to @MATIIll :)

sumo caws2 tutorail
importnat!!!!!!Made by Matyasus, a friend, supporter and Discord moderator.Join the server!

Many thanks to @gamezeta for the support on Sumo Cars 2, from donations to video(s)!

GameZeta has uploaded a gameplay video of Sumo Cars 2 as of version 0.3.3, go check it out and make sure to subscribe to him.


LET'S Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!!! (Sumo Cars)
Get Sumo Cars 2: Your Mark! Get Set! SUMO! The time has come to test my mettle and my (really bad) driving abil...

Apologies for the silence! There's been a lot going on, preventing progress from being made on the game.

We are getting back on track soon, so meanwhile, have this video of a very early build of Sumo Cars 2 from over 7 months ago!

Sumo Cars 2 Alpha - Seat Leon (Leopard)
Recorded on 2nd February, 2022, 23:12 (11:12PM)DO NOT REUPLOADSumo Cars 2

We are launching a fundraiser to get Sumo Cars 2 published on Steam! The price for the license is 100€, however with 10 people giving 10€, it doesn't sound that impossible!

Donating will of course get you very well-credited!


The Alpha 0.3.3 update is here!

You can expect many improvements to visuals, expansions to the Car Upgrades System, and drastically improved overall handling, making the game much more fun.

Please share, and enjoy! :)

Full changelog in the article below;

These images describe the soul of Sumo Cars 2 perfectly. Chaotic, wacky, and fun!

The Alpha 0.3.3 update is planned to hopefully release by the end of August. Stay tuned!

Oh, and if you find these screenshots cool, please check out the game! Thank you. :)

Having a little bit of fun with... absurd things, to say the least. :D

Though we are hard at work of course!

The next patch will be re-adding skid marks, bringing some tire smoke, and improving the Leopard's model!

You can also expect many fixes, improvements, and additions. As always. :)

Stay tuned!