
Comments (1)

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The doctor can float! Don't underestimate that evil money-leeching monster!!!!😡🤬


Sunset Skies Demo

Version: 0.1.0over 5 years ago


What if you could have more time? More time to know the outcome of your life, the meaningful impact your life creates? To redeem yourself for past wrongs? Or even just to say goodbye to those loved

For Joshua, having lost his late wife, time is the one thing he has lost sight of. Bitter and angry, the years have not treated him well, and his heart grows cold. Until an angel named Rachelle comes to give him the time he longs for. Time to say goodbye.

Follow Joshua and Rachelle on their journey across the stars, through time and space, as Joshua searches for answers; to Love, for Peace, toward Redemption.

In the end, our lives are stories, those which others turn the pages to remember.

Make yours memorable.

Breathtaking narrative, a moving soundtrack, and plenty of retro graphics will make this game a wonderful adventure for you! #retro #storydriven #narrative #rpg #adventure #other #RPGmaker

Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Check out the teaser trailer I made for the game! It's going to be awesome!


Hey guys! I'll be posting updates for the game here. It's going to be slow at first, so please be patient!