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This game is just a prototype for now, I have aquired another developer and we are actively working on making it not terrible and we are bringing it to Android Devices complete with non-suckish art!
Update: The game can now be reset by pressing 'r'.
Chairs are so cool! Holy crap oh my god, balance that chair like there is no tomorrow! Balance it like it were the only thing you knew how to do. Don't mess up because if you do, a little green monster will smack you in the face and call you mean names.
How to play:
Extract the .zip somewhere nice, then double click on the SuperChairBalance2014.exe and play that shit.
Use A to lean to the left, use D to lean to the right.
Try to balance the chair for as long as possible on either side and don't fall over or come back to the resting position. GOT IT!
That's pretty much all there is too it, more is planned for this game, such as better music, menus,
score multipliers, better art, etc. But, I am a very busy college student so it will be slow.
Enjoy this crap and don't fucking fall or else you will explode (in a future version at least).
Song - DNBBB by DeAdBeAt
Programmer - Cory Sabol aka. GrandHamSabol
Designer - Cory Sabol aka. GrandHamSabol
Music by - Cory Sabol aka. DeAdBeAt
Artist (ha!) - Cory Sabol aka. GrandHamSabol
Coffee boy - Cory Sabol aka. GrandHamSabol
Egotistical douche - Cory Sabol aka. GrandHamSabol
Investor - Cory Sabol aka. GrandHamSabol