Comments (1)
Simple, well made game. I included it in a compilation video series of the games from this jam, if you’d like to check it out :)

The Manly Super Man and his trusty robot sidekick Robot Bob decided to kick back on Rombomulov V as a little break to adventuring, but before they could do so the evil Lord Fartlebottom Invaded Rombomulov IV!
So now Super Man must stop Lord Fartlebottoms robot landers from successfully invading Rombomulov IV while Robot Bob fixes them some drinks in the meantime
(Warning, might be a bit repetitive since im kinda sucky at gamemaker studio)
(Warning Warning, It's resolution is also quite small)
(Warning Warning Warning, It's like them old Ataris so the graphics may be stylisticly shit but you can still complain, just dont go like "bluh bluh X game has way better graphics" because i know that)