
Comments (17)

What do you think?

I just noticed your message in the chat again... I think I didn't have time to test your game because of school, I'll make sure to give it a try when I'm done with my homework. :)

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Mate this game gived me a hard time to finish it.

Positive things:
This game is try hard to be a great experience,at least the cutscenes giving something to the game what most of the indie games don't have and i liked that thing in it.There is a bit of nonesense in the story what i couldn't get,but after 20 times dying in a level i feel great to finish a level.

Negative things:
First the controlls.Damn controls,it's a great evolution over Space War 3D that you can control the camera with the mouse and the controls of the character is based on that.Forward and backward movement is working great,when you combie movement buttons (like: Up + Left,Up + Right,Down + Left,Down + Right)are still working,but......BUT!!!.....The left and right movement is not based on the camera,so those two buttons become useless when you want to dodge enemy projectiles.(90% of the times i realy needed to those buttons). Another thing that maked me smashing my head against the wall is that the 3rd level is don't have hints about doors that can be destroyed,if you shoot them.I needed to replay the whole 3rd level from part 1 a bunch of times do to the fact that there are no hints at all.And the difficulty is mad high(MAD HIGH - i wanted too destroy something because i the game really pissed me off),when you destroy an enemy it will drop a thing that heals you and there is a problem.(!! The time when it happens is pretty rare !!)So i and up replaying the level when i got the skills to finish it,because of the lack of Healing items. Sometimes i had problems with the camera,it happens when you are in an indoor level,the comera crossing trough the walls and you can see nothing.

Final Verdict:
I know you still young and i know you will develop more games.This is your second game so i say it's a great game what you managed to put together,as a friend i say you did a good job.

For the players who downloading this game,i suggest play it until you feel it's enough of it.If someone is a maniac like myself i suggest play this game and finish it,it's a real challange.

Rating:3 out of 5

Because Super Robot is a big project then it is worths to has a website so I made this website for it check it out ;)

Super Robot is now playable on all pc(s) !!! go and download it and delete the last file included the SaveGame File .


Super Robot - BETA

Version: 1.0.0-betaalmost 10 years ago

Wanna kill a thousand of ‪#‎Robots‬ check out ‪#‎Super‬ ‪#‎Robot‬ the awesome 3D game made with ‪#‎GameMaker‬ by ‪#‎KingdomOfGamesLtd‬ and its features are:
α+Supported with 8 levels .
γ+Supported with Save/Load feature .
ά+Supported with 2 Bosses
Ï€+Supported with 1 kind of small enemies.
η+Supported with Cutscenes feature! the most awesome concept in the game! .
Ε+Supported with Mini-Games! .
λ+Supported with High-ploy Models made by me and Michael Gao
λ+Supported with cool sounds effects. "Made by Sigma Games"
ά+Supported with Awesome Graphics .
δ+Supported With Awesome 3D Lighting.
α+Supported With Videos EXE. File For High Pc and WIthout Videos For Low PC.

Intense Cartoon Violence
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