
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Amazing Game luv it <3 make more updates and add in abilities and portals. ;D

Game Soundtrack

2 songs


SUPERCUBE is a continuous speedrun game where you control a cube that has special abilities which can be activated through power-ups. You are trying to get to the end but you must avoid the obstacles. Fortunately, your powerups can assist you in avoiding obstacles.

#3d #unity #runner #singleplayer #arcade #speedrun


v0.4 is finally out!
The biggest update so far with the game pushing to beta!

v0.3.1 published!
A small patch to make it easier to restart the game!

You can now restart the whole game back to the main menu by pressing T! Pressing R will reset the specific level you are in and pressing escape can give you a quick exit.

v0.3 major update released!

The game has now been pushed to alpha! Hurray!

v0.2 released!

4 new levels added to the game! See below for more information.