
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Where is the next goal on the megaboy chapter. I cannot find the goal yet after done with the megaboy tutorial

edit: nvm i figure it out

Game is not good. Exists bugs or crashes is so disappointing.

y'all these bosses are kicking my butt lol but it's fun to move around. looking forward to more updates!


Superguy and Megaboy

Version: 0.1.06 months ago
Work-in-Progress Demo

Superguy and Megaboy is a high-speed, free-roam platformer that is somewhere between 2.5D and 3D. Players can attack only on a 2D axis (left/right/down), but otherwise move freely in 3D. Attacks will only hit their targets if they are positioned at roughly the same 3D depth.. meaning if you see a bad guy in the distant background, you won't be able to hit him (or vice versa) unless you move up close!

Gameplay is largely split between three distinct play styles: Flight/Shooting, Speed/Melee, and Civilian.

  • Flight/Shooting heroes can freely fly anywhere they please, and are great for attacking from afar. They are meant to capture the feel of soaring over a city, much like web-swinging in the Spider-Man games.

  • Speed/Melee heroes have rapidfire melee attacks that deal more damage in a shorter time. They have to get up-close and personal with opponents, but can zip around the landscape and outrun enemy attacks with greater ease.

  • Civilian form attracts less attention and is great for avoiding conflict with bad guys. Obviously superhero form packs a real punch and allows for fun traversal around the city, but sometimes its easier to sneak up on a bad guy as a civilian, then transform and hit 'em with a sneak attack! Inspired by Mega Man ZX, players can swap between superhero and civilian forms at the press of a button.

Gamepads are supported (and recommended for the best experience)!

Controls are fully remappable.

This demo covers the first two chapters/bosses of Story Mode, and includes a Free Play option if you'd rather explore the city at your own pace. Constructive critisism and suggestions for improvement are welcome!

Gameplay Tips

  • Player health regenerates over time! If you take a lot of damage, don't be afraid to run away. Put some distance between you and your opponent(s) until you're back at full health.

  • Thugs can be temporarily dazed if you boost or run past them at close range. This can save you if you're surrounded!

  • Boost/Run often to dodge enemy attacks, especially during boss fights.

  • Remember to sheild! You won't able to dodge every attack, but you'll take half as much damage while sheilding (provided you sheild in the direction of the enemy attack).

  • Practice mode (accessible from the pause menu) is a great place to test out your abilities. Players can't die in Practice, so go crazy!

  • Have fun! My ultimate goal was for players to have fun simply flying/running around the city, even if all mission objectives are ignored.

Known Bugs

These are a few glitches I haven't quite ironed out yet.

  • Character shadows spaz out when they overlap.

  • Compass randomly appears for a split second when there are no enemies nearby.

  • Megaboy will run in place if he hits the ceiling while wall-running.

  • NPCs sometimes spawn in solid walls, then pop out unexpectedly.

  • Camodude boss occasionally gets stuck, allowing you to melee the crap out of him.

  • Game may occasionally lag in Nickelmore (specifically when the player is close to the main highway).

#platformer #shooter #beatemup #3D #action #openworld #freeroam #superhero

Mild Cartoon Violence
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