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Surabaya Inferno has been released! But sadly, we can't publish the full version in this site. You can play demo and if you interesting, you can buy this game at

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Surabaya Inferno:Main Theme

trailer of Surabaya Inferno

History Background

After Sukarno and Hatta proclamated Indonesia's independence, lot of Indonesian especially youth supporting and attacked many Japanese HQ especially in Surabaya. Arek-arek Surabaya or more populer as Arek-arek Suroboyo), British army from India has arrived to many big cities in Sumatra and Java, one is Surabaya, and have mission to disarm all Japanese soliders and help Dutch establish agian colonial government.

In first time, Surabaya's government welcome them but tension with arek-arek Suroboyo with British soliders made situation no so good in October 1945. Many gun fight happened in Surabaya streets.

Tension become high when Brigadier-General Mallaby killed in Jembatan Merah bridge in 30 October. British army under Robert Mansergh ultimatum all Surabayan to surrender in 6.00 AM 10 November. They refused and lot of Indonesia come to Surabaya while British assamble 10.000 mans, many battleship,and fighter for fight against more than 100.000 Indonesia.

Game system

In this games, there are 3 Arc

  • Consilidation: Fight against Japanese to get weapon for defending new nation (26 September - 2 Octoebr 1945)

In this arc, you play one to one chapter from news of independence arrive in Surabaya, Tambak Sari Mass meeting, Yamato Hetol incident, and attacking all Japanese bases

  • Fighting Cock:Street fight agianst British soliders (28-30 October 1945)

In this arc, you control more than ten thousand Indonesian militia in attacking British bases around Surabaya City

  • Inferno:Total war attack from British agaisnt Indonesian in Surabaya

In last arc, you must control Indonesian defending and attack agaisnt British mass attack from 10 November to 30 November 1945


This game use many pictures from M.Sochieb, veteran from Surabaya and Sutomo, leader of Indonesia's militia in battlle of Surabaya.

So 10% from Surabaya Inferno sell will donate to remain Surabaya's veteran.

#rts #strategy #worldwar #other #history #survival #indonesia #rtt #independence #war #simulation #tactic


Now Surabaya Inferno has been released . But sadly, we can't publish full version in this site. So you can buy the game at

Firing enemy fighter with bofors..

Meme Surabaya Inferno #1


Fighter attacking Indonesian base and make many Indonesian died. Very hard to fight agianst fighter unless bofors works