Comments (6)
Very, very, very fun game, for some reason i couldnt get shrek to come out of his grave, but oh well, very fun, great job! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q7_2iEBgzc
i get that this is a joke game and all, but ten dollars? wow.
There is Sanic in the game ?
SWED - Reborn Of The MLG (VIP Gold premium)
After six years of intense developpement, the second opus of the well-known SWED franchise is released !
This time, play as a secret special force MLG soldier and stop the illuminati's invasion in order to defeat Shrek, in his own swamp. "10/10 Best Storyline ~ IGN"
Headphones absolutely recommanded !
WARNING : I don't suggest you to play this game if you are prone to epilepsy !
Sp00ky Warning : Shrek will show up once u get more than 3000 points !
Features :
Gr8 animations
Memorable boss fight
Astonishing graphics
Ability to drink Mountain Dew and eat Doritos
More old memes
Upgradable weapon
Sexy menu and interface
Lagless gameplay (no need of a master-race nasa super computer to run the game)
Detailled models
The "VIP Gold Premium" version of the game includes :
Score multiplier bonus (x2)
Golden weapon
Access to survival mode
More maps such as : Hangar, Graveyard and Office
And only for 1 $ !
Have fun and remember, MLG will never die !