
Comments (9)

What do you think?

this game I cool but the creator sould add more levels

Hey Dev,
I gave it a shot. I really like the concept here, I didn't really find the puzzles that challenging but I do think the difficulty got harder towards the end. I do think that some simple audio would be a great boost to round out the game, I made a few more comments at the end of my video so be sure to check it out. Keep up the good work!

i enjoyed this ! but, the lack of any audio kinda threw me off.

I had a lot of fun with this game! The best way I can describe it is "short and sweet!" :)



Switch Mania

Version: 0.3.1almost 5 years ago

#puzzle #platformer #strategy

In Switch Mania, espace various levels by toggling switches that can activate or deactivate platforma of different colours, clearing you the way to the next level... Or locking you in a trap!



Just added some sound effect, i'd like some feedback :)

Also I've fixed the movement bugs (jump inconsistencies)

I have also added a WebGL version so that you can try the game directly in you browser!


So version 0.2.0 now, with a tutorial and a third level, as a proof of concept. I'll add new levels soon!

If you enjoyed the game, consider leaving a like and/or commenting! :)


I just uploaded a first build of Switch Mania, with 2 playable levels, so that you can test it.

You should consider first changing your left and right controls! And the button for activating Switches and Exits is on 'e' by default

Have fun!


I'm just beginning to develop this game. The idea is for it to be a puzzle platformer where the player has to escape the level and must activate and deactivate togglable coloured platforms to reach the end!