Comments (3)
You're probably the first developer I've seen on Game Jolt who's from the same city as I am. I never noticed until I got around to editing my video. But that doesn't change how I feel about the game. It could have used a pause option, so that I could change the mouse sensitivity.
I’d suggest a mouse sensitivity slider
There is a fair amount of lag
Can’t turn while performing actions like punch
Camera view stops moving when mouse reaches edge of screen
All the identical characters are quite a mess and rather plain, also probably causing a lot of the lag
Fighting doesn't feel very satisfying, the reactions aren’t too clear and it’s hard to tell what's happening sometimes
The UI is great, especially the menu
Overall it looks good but for something like this you would need to spend a lot of time developing third person controls/responsiveness and accompanying AI and models (2 months isn’t enough obviously). It’s good for the timeframe though.
Tavern Brawl
There are two gangs that have been at odds for some time, the red gang and the blue gang. This has been going on for a long time and to make matters worse the red boss and the blue boss are twins. The family feud is getting out of hand and even the local tavern is being contested because both gangs happen to go to the same tavern. One day an arbitrary argument between the two groups turns into shouting and one of the members from one side shouts “this is our tavern!” Tensions are high and someone takes a swing, a brawl is about to ensue and you're in charge of leading your gang to victory. Do you have what it takes to to break through their defenders and take down the leader?
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans