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#fangame #youtuber #youtuberfangame #spoctortheory #spoctor #spoctortech #horror #meme #demo #cursed #saltydkdan #adventure #other #pscyhologicalhorror

Welcome to Tech's Big Adventure: The most cursed and insane YouTuber fangame of all time.

This game is a joke fan project based around YouTubers such as Spoctor Theory, Saltydkdan, and other YouTubers/games being involved into this clusterfuck of a Unity game. This game is also a demonstration of our skills as game devs. You play in this semi-boring and semi-horrifying game where you are taken into a lab non-consensually for being a scalie and research purposes, You must escape by avoiding enemies and solving repetitive puzzles which consists of pressing damn buttons, And passing through AI bots that try to capture you for that reddit karma. Join Spatic Tech, Salty, and some random hedgehog plush named Billy, to take over Winstall Laboratories for the first and last time.

(This is a test/demonstration of what we have so far. The final version of the game will be done soon.)

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Strong Language

we did a random test to blow off some steam

however i think we went too far


yay new visuals and models
