Comments (12)
amazing graphic novel. I love the storyline and how it all fits in. I named myself 'xXswagtotheweedXx' and it was just so funny seeing them say it all the time. Great game
I have to download all this stuff to play? Seriously? Why not just play online!?
i remem thi show was the best it sucked that they ended it
Good one.
I am intrigued with this engine novelity. I am god awful and impatiant with type scripting but would like to make visual novels. And Novelity says it has an easy to use point and click interface. I'm also giving this visual novel a try.
Teen Titans: The Visual Novel
I found an awesome program called Novelty, so I decided to make a relatively short Teen Titans themed visual novel using it! This game is much better than the other Teen Titan game I made! I hope you all like it!
Note: If you get a .dll missing error when you open the game, you most likely don't have at least direct x 9 installed.
Note 2: the program i used is in beta and still has bugs, so for whatever reason whenever you exit the game it says the program stopped working but it doesnt affect anything, because you're exiting the game anyways.