
Teenagers Adventures V1.0
Teenagers Adventures V1.2
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Teenagers Adventures - Main Menu (from Wonder Woman)
- 2.Teenagers Adventures - Chapter Completed
- 3.Chapter 1 Level 1 - School (from Sonic 06)
- 4.Chapter 1 Level 1 - Escape From School (from Ice Scream 4 : Factory)
- 5.Chapter 1 Level 1 - Bullies Neighborhood (from TMNT Out Of The Shadows)
- 6.Chapter 1 Level 2 - School (By Silent Dreams)
- 7.Chapter 1 Level 2 - Rod V Ahmed (from Batman V Superman : Dawn Of Justice)
- 8.Chapter 1 Level 2 Cutscene - Do You Hear me?!! (from Batman V Superman : Dawn Of Justice)
- 9.Chapter 2 Level 1 - Temple (from Sonic Lost World)
- 10.Chapter 2 Level 1 - Snow Heights (from Sonic Adventure)
- 11.Chapter 2 Level 1 - Mystery Cave
- 12.Chapter 2 Level 2 Cutscene 1 - I am trying to change (By Secession Studios)
- 13.Chapter 2 Level 2 - Green Hill (By Knuxfan24's "Remixes")
- 14.Chapter 2 Level 2 Cutscene 2 - I Can Be The Water Master (By Twelve Titans)
- 15.Chapter 3 Level 0 - Simulator (By FesliyanStudios Background Music)
- 16.Chapter 3 Level 1 - Shadi's House (By FesliyanStudios Background Music)
- 17.Chapter 3 Level 2 - Shadi V Jawdat (By Audiomachine)
- 18.Chapter 3 Level 2 - Team Jawdat V Team Shadi (By Alibi Music)
- 19.Chapter 3 Level 3 - Dragon Boss (from Sonic Rivals 2)
- 20.Chapter 3 Level 3 "Flash-Forward" Cutscene - Whose body is in the pool? (from Elite)
- 21.Chapter 4 Level 1 - City Of Mistakes (By Silent Dreams)
- 22.Chapter 4 Level 2 - Hill Of Mistakes (from Sonic Frontiers)
- 23.Chapter 4 Level 3 - Fortress Of Mistakes (from Sonic Heroes)
- 24.Chapter 4 Level 4 - Dark Tower (from Sonic Frontiers)
- 25.Chapter 4 Level 4 - Ghaith V Rod (from Sonic Frontiers)
- 26.Chapter 4 Level 4 - Rod Chase (from Sonic Frontiers)
- 27.Chapter 4 Level 4 - Z.Monster Boss (from Sonic Frontiers)
- 28.Chapter 4 Level 5 - Final Boss (from Sonic Heroes)
- 29.Chapter ??? - Party Fight (By Alex The Flipper)
- 30.Chapter ??? - The Last Cutscene (By Ocie Elliott)
Teenagers Adventure is an indie game developed by me

The game tells the story of a group of teenage boys who were living their usual lives until they decided to take revenge on the biggest bully known to them, here begins the problems and adventure that will lead them to find their superpowers, stages in amazing areas, fighting, parkour, running and missions

The game is 95% complete
- Unfortunately, there is no save system for the game. I tried to make one, but I am beginner and it did not work with me, but I will try to make a save system in the next updates but the game is divided into chapters, so you can play each chapter separately
- The pause menu does not stop the game, I do not know why, but I tried and it did not work with me, but I will try to make it work in the next updates
- The fps in some stages is not very good, and I apologize for this, but I am a beginner in the game programmer, and I am still learning, and I will improve the fps in the next updates
*I've been working on the game for a year or more*

The game contains some music, models, stages, etc, that belong to Sega/Sonic Team soooo...
*all copyrights to Sega and Sonic Team*

Teenagers Adventures 2 is in the works and will be released in 2024, which will be 100 times better than the first part
#action #adventure #fangame #other #arcade #platformer #textadventure #sports