Comments (14)
I can't climb up ladders. It would be much better if that was possible
That whas pretty cool actually.
Would be even cooler if those AI's actually tried to snipe you back too occasionally and that you'd have to change location or something :3
And though i really liked Bleach and its music i don't think that song really fits here :P
I got the score 3280 and the best was 304m lol
Wish there was a way to chane the background music or better yet null it altogether without missing out on those awesome bullets hitting flesh sounds.
The game is good although the music is soooo bad i mean really its terrible i had to turn my sound down just to play
Terrain Sniper
You're up on your sniper post ready to take out the unsuspecting enemy. This game is packed with sniper rifle action cam, bullet tracers, realistic blood splatter effects, and much more. Terrain Sniper also has some great background music that makes that much more fun and exciting to play.
Have Fun!