Comments (84)
Gave it a go...
Hey, I'm developing a GameJolt fighting game. I just wanted to ask if I could you Screenhead with your permission in my game?
This game needs to become a low budget horror movie and aired of SyFy channel IMMEDIATELY
the game has potential as a story driven game, like I am bread exceot without the rage. i dont like that it just ends, i feel like it could have a proper ending
Name Your Price
A Game by @NickZangus : https://twitter.com/NickZangus
Game made in 72h for Ludum Dare 31: Entire Game on One Screen
The story of an old monitor that rebels to humans and makes an office massacre! A third person survival kill everything that moves!
Vote here: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-31/?action=preview&uid=25285
I originally wanted to submit the game to the COMPO, but the amount of work required me to submit it to the JAM... However, I've followed the COMPO rules, so I worked alone and all the contents were created in 72 hours (except for some audio files).
*...THE END? *
Unfortunately I have not had time to implement an end to the game... So for now the only purpose to be achieved is to massacre all!
I tried to use the theme in an indirect way, not as a technical limitation. The game is indeed the story of "One Screen"!
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed