
Comments (9)

What do you think?

This game isn't done, so my rewiew is not valid when the game is complete. But when i played the game, i was only 2,5 minutes long, with a few jokes, and basiclly no pussles. On he plus site, the music is pretty great, but thats about it :/ (I played version 1.0.0 (wait, 1.0.0!? so the game is done?))

Hahaha, this game! Who makes a point'n'click adventure with leaderboards? Who puts up signs bluntly stating what's supposed to be there in the final version? Who starts with "Fuck off" on the first screen of the game? You do, and it's awesome! I love it when people just free flow their creativity like that, this is great!

If you'd like to check out my entry for this jam, and win a free pizza or one of the other prizes (I'm insane), feel free to so here:

Also don't hesitate on dropping me a comment and placing a vote if you like the game! Seeya, Kippy!

Fun one minute point and click. I usually get stuck and never finish most of the point and clicks, but this one I got.

I completed it! Shame you didn't have more time. It was a simple little quest, if only there was a way of boosting your score more so that everybody didn't just end with 50. Perhaps a minigame with the apples or something :)

Cute little game, if only you had more time :P I included it in part 3 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Main Menu

The Amazing Quest will be very amazing indeed. #indiesvsgamers
This game is actually a remake of a troll quest game I made a long time ago where you cannot win and was made in MMF2.
In this one however you will be able to win, have multiple screens use items AKA STUFF YOU COULDN'T DO IN THE ORIGINAL OK?

EDIT: Realised it was supposed to be an arcade game..... Oh dear...

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

Game published!