
Comments (29)

What do you think?

I thought I'd be the voice of reason here, and give an honest opinion of this game. TBH, this is nothing more than a troll game. There is nothing good about it whatsoever, and trust me, I looked. The graphics are so dark, you can barely see...The so-called jumpscares consist of you being told to push buttons on the wall, and some very lame shit appear behind you....and the language in the game indicates that this was made by a 13 year old at best. It takes about 5 minutes to go through the game, so if you feel like torturing yourself during a comercial break or something, give it a go.

Bonne Année 2014 à tous !!!

Nice atmosphere. ;D 4/5

Hey, you're game really impressed me. I was expecting it to last more, but still fun
I realised only after a while that badgers are animals xD I tought that's an actual name of a family in america or something :P
Anyway, it's worth playing. Hope you don't mind if i'll leave a link to the gameplay :)
It took me a while to make the thumbnail, hehe.

Can i know this game informations


The Badgers' House

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Vous ĂȘtes devant une maison, la nuit... Mais que cache-t-elle ? Dans une ambiance lugubre, explorez-lĂ  et dĂ©couvrez tous ses secrets... Ce jeu mĂ©lange peur et humour... LE BUT : Ă  vous de le dĂ©couvrir !


Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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