Comments (142)
I really like it. Keep it up! ;)
This game is good the music is awesome and the meme is original
also squeemish clearly know's how to code good job but it was short.
many goods to make meme for 72 hour
Wow what a weird and refreshing way to tell a story, I love how the game question have questioning the box motive.
I'll admit this game took me a little while before I knew what to do exactly, but I finally got it! I don't know what that thing was at the end, but I am calling it a pink hippopotamus and nobody can convince me otherwise! Anyway check out my review/gameplay here if you want: https://youtu.be/feLSwdLudxc
Keep up the good work!
A beautifully designed a game. Thank you for the experience :)
The Box
Game Soundtrack
The Box - Main Theme