Comments (1)
I am so happy for you publishing this game, maybe i will download
The Dead Asylum v.1.1
new updated game v.1.1
- fixing UI bugs that looks weird if played on higher resolution
- fixing final boss bugs that only have 1 hp

Short survival horror game about a girl wake up in unknown place called "The Dead Asylum" and have to find a way to escape!
this game have classic gameplay with Fixed Camera Angles and Tank Controls
w : move forward
a and d : rotate
s : move backward
i : inventory
e : interact with object
right mouse : aim (if have weapon)
left mouse : shoot/attack (aim first)
all asset from this game is from unity asset store, i'm just a single guy doing some programming.
itch.io links : https://noveriansoft.itch.io/the-dead-asylum-game
#horror #survival #adventure #action #retro #shooter #survivalhorror
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans
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